
Almost 41 weeks and her presence is a moment they long for…

Friday afternoon, mid-June contractions become intense, and they head to Natural Beginnings Birthing Center at 2:57pm to see if this is the time. “5cm and being admitted” is the text sent at 4:03pm. When I have a Mother that is past her estimated due date and this is not her first child, I immediately grab my things and go. Twenty minutes later I walk into her birthing room to see her smiling. Let me tell you, that just a few days prior this Mama was at Burn Bootcamp putting in work! She is strong but little did I know I would soon witness how strong she really is…

Her Husband sitting, observing her every move, everything in the room, and anyone that enters their space. Her contractions come consistently. When they arrive every 3 minutes, she breathes through them- she conquers them, then returns to the room smiling towards him. Their love is felt in the air, joined by the sounds of worship filling the room.

She knows she can do this.

She knows her body was made for this.

She knows she is not alone.


“I can do this”